Tree House Construction (THC) Plans Page
All the pictured treehouses have been approved by a qualified engineer, try ordering directly from HERE.
12′ Single Tree Octagon: $150 includes 1 hour consultation.
16′ Treezebo: Single Tree Octagon $250 includes 2 hour consultation.
20′ Single Tree Octagon TreeHouse Plan: $500 with 1 hour consultation.
Minimum tree diameter for 12′ octagon: 18″ at platform level. 12′ Treezeebo with loft.
Minumum tree diameter for 16′ Hexagon: 20″ 16′ diameter closed side with porch and loft
A 16′ to 20′ Treezebo Octagon with knee braces and or cables is now available.
Parts Store Office Phone # (541) 592-2206
We highly recommend that you call our Office if you are not experienced in buying parts for your TREEhouse Build Project. Its ALWAYS better to get it right the first time!
Layouts for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 tree treehouses:
Single Tree Layout Plans

Double Tree Layout Plans

Three Tree Layout Plans

All these Knee Braces need to have Fixed points (TRIBEAM Plan):
QUAD treehouse Plan: