2024 World Treehouse Conference

To register please click the Link below:

Click Here To Register for 2024 WTC>>

Dates of Conference: Thursday October 3rd – Sunday October 6th, 2024

For More Information – Please call Parts Store Office Phone # (541) 592-2206

Event Page



2024 World Treehouse Conference

The pre-conference day will be held on Thursday, October 3rd, 2024 with full conference days on October 4th and October 5th, 2024, and a half day on the morning of October 6th, 2024.

This year’s World Treehouse Conference promises to offer an array of presenters and enthusiasts who—collectively—advance a thorough look at what it means to climb up into the trees and design and build insightful and friendly structures aloft.
Look out for seasoned tree structure spirits: builders, designers, engineers, arborists, and impresarios as well as folks who come from a variety of complementary fields offering insights that will inspire and generate thoughtful ideas… all about going aloft to perch in nature’s rousing vertical architecture.

Click Here To Register for 2024 WTC>>

2024 Presenters:

Keynote Speaker: David Anderson-

Tree Climbing Journeys: Tales of How Tree Climbing Changes Our World.  Sometimes when you dare to reach for your dreams you will find that there is no easy road, and the only path to get there is to climb. Fortunately, we don’t have to take the journey alone. Tree climbing unites dreamers around the world, forging a brotherhood made of curiosity, passion, courage, inspiration, and a common bond that comes from exploring trees on ropes. Let’s take a journey together and share some tales of tree climbing on multiple continents for the good of science, fun, and friendship.

2024 World Treehouse Conference Schedule 


Theme: Memorable Mishaps, lessons worth sharing from years of treehouse building. 


THURSDAY: Pre Conference with Micheal and Mike Schulters

FRIDAY:  7:00- 9:00:  ~ ~ B R E A K F A S T ~ ~

Starting at 7:30am: Arrival and Check-in… (in the lodge)… ongoing…

 9:00 to 10:15am: Michae GL will conduct a Out’n’About Treesort walk through… this is a great guided tour of the “histree” of Out’n’About and the evolution of hardware in trees.

10:15-10:45: Charlie Spitzack– treehouse design competition

10:45-11:30: Chuck and Leland– sketch up, design, prefab, and more

11:30- 12:15: Benjamin Turner- Owner of Wildernest Design, biomimicry and sculpture in treehouse design

12:15-1:15:  ~ ~ L U N C H ~ ~

 1:15-2:15: John and Mike Schulters – photogrammetry: Conducting digital site surveys for tree structures. 

2:15-3:15-Wild Tree Woodworks Team– Treehome case study

3:15-4:30: Stam and Dave Stice – Rigging demonstration 

4:30-5:30: Reiner- Treehouseing in Thailand

6:00: ~ ~ D I N N E R ~ ~


SATURDAY: 7:00- 9:00 ~ ~ B R E A K F A S T ~ ~

9:00- 10:00- Micheal Stam– Ways in which treehouses have harmed trees

10:00-10:45- Michael Murphy–The poetree of housing, reflecting on experiences with wood and treehousing and the human relationship to the land and trees and forest and what it means to be at home on earth. 

10:45-11:30: Scott Baker– Construction of the Redwood Skywalk at Sequoia Park Zoo and an arbor walkabout; visual tree assessment, anatomy, and considerations for tree selection. 

11:30-12:15: Daryl and Scott— Hardware types and when to use them

12:15-1:00: Aaron from Treecraft– What makes a treehouse a treehouse? Exploring the spirit of the treehouse through a decade of adventurous design and devotion to craft in colorado. 

1:00-1:45: Wild Tree Woodworks Team– Treehome case study

1:45-2:30: Cassidy Goodrich- TreehouseCulture from 30 years of experience: Designing and engineering Treehouses; Style, Longevity, Safety. 

2:30-3:15: Pete Nelson–”Pete visits Salt Spring Island, 32 years after building the treehouse that changed his life”

3:15-4:00: Sarah jay–net maintenance and repair, guided talk. 

4:00-5:00:  KEYNOTE SPEAKER: David Anderson– Tree Climbing Journeys: Tales of How Tree Climbing Changes Our World

6:00: ~ ~ B A N Q U E T ~ ~

Musical Act: Michael Stam and friends 


SUNDAY: 7:00- 9:00 ~ ~ LITE  B R E A K F A S T ~ ~


9:00: Spitz- Awards for competition

11:00 ~ ~ B R U N C H~ ~

12:00  Round Table Decusion and Recap of Conference.

WTC 2023 Conference Features

The 2023 World Treehouse Conference at Out’n’About Treesort in Takilma, Oregon will feature—among many offerings—one quite special guest: Greg Good, arborist and inventor of the GRCS (the Good Rig Control System). The theme this year is “Rigging Physics”. Demonstrations of both positive and negative rigging in the trees will be set up… and a sort of “battle of the winches” will begin!!!
Dave Stice (aka, Nice Guy Dave) from WesSpur Tree Equipment, an expert in aerial rigging with particular emphasis on aerial safety & rescue has arranged for Adam Moser, a rope engineer from Yale Cordage to join us.
The rope, is a vital tool in so much of the work that treehouse builders do… subsequently, there will be a lot of rope, line and cordage talk… this should knot be missed.
The basics of how to take one’s design & building skills aloft safely and effectively may be the focus and an interesting attraction; however, there is a lot more.
Philip van Wassenaer is a another special guest and will be the keynote speaker. Philip has prepared a talk that he calls “The TREE in Treehouse”. He’s been in our presence before and he knows what we’re trying to go… this talk will assist us to better understand the living vertical cantilever that supports our building efforts.
Fundamental tree biology and tree mechanics… Scott Baker, Philip van Wassenaer and Evan Bombardier…
Reflections on untangling the challenges of proper structural engineering aloft with Charley Greenwood and others…
A treehouse retrofit story brought to us by Zach Tabor and Mike McCarter of The Canopy Crew…
John and Mike Shulters with the latest in photogrametry innovations.
Rainer Reichel wants to share his “Treexperience”. He plans in his own words “to show us the evolution of his building processes and just how mind-blowingly variable tree wood and site conditions are”.

WTC 2022 itinerary

— World Treehouse Conference ’22 Sessions for —

Friday, September 30, 2022


7:00am to 9:00am—>                       ~ ~ B R E A K F A S T ~ ~


Starting at 7:30am—>         Arrival and Check-in… (in the lodge)… ongoing…

9:00am to 9:30am—>           Introduction by King MichaeGL… (Jake will explain)

9:30am to 10:00am—>         MichaeGL will conduct a Out’n’About Treesort walk through… this is a great guided tour of the “histree” of Out’n’About and the evolution of hardware in trees.

10:00am to 11:00am—>        Charley Greenwood & Mike Shulters with Javi Aranzubia— a case study by two experts in (SketchUp) design and engineering… indeed, the engineer who started it all!!…… further developments—read: further down the rabbit hole of tree support systems… alive or dead, trees that is… with stories, such as this case study to prove it!!



11:00am to 12:00am—>       Mike Stam & Jason Lindsey… with a bridge too far… that is to say would you like to buy a bridge? I mean do you have a bridge in your treehouse future? These guys will cover how that works…



12:00pm to 1:00pm—>                    ~ ~ L U N C H ~ ~





~ ~ ~ Side bar notes (the written equivalent of announcements) ~ ~ ~

Tree climbing basics and (maybe) some cool rope tricks will be ongoing throughout Friday and Saturday. Please ask Nice Guy Dave Stice, Jason Lindsey, Evan Bombardier, or Luke Schorer about protocols and procedures… please do NOT attempt to climb unchaperoned.

The Bend-Off… For fun and celebration this year we will holding a ‘BEND OFF’ throughout the weekend and are curious which limb device will come in last???



1:00pm to 1:45pm—>          Lee Hull…… movement practices and exercises for treehouse builders…


2:00pm to 3:00pm—>          Evan Bombardier… Basic Tree Biology for Builders of Tree Supported Structures… an absolute must if this is your first rodeo and you have sincere intentions of understanding proper tree selection.


3:15pm to 4:15pm—>          Rainer (pronounced Rye-ner)… Tree House Survivability…

                                                This interesting man wrote his Master’s Thesis on                                                                                     treehouses… this is an overview of what you need to know.


4:30pm to 5:30pm—>          Steve Chappell… The power and magic of the Framing                                                                     Square… this guy literally wrote the book.


5:00pm to Dinner—>          Sarah Jay Knauss (nee Jefferson)… weaver of nets. She will                                                           be repairing the O’n’A small net and much much more!!!



6:00pm—>                                                     D I N N E R


— World Treehouse Conference ’22 Sessions for —

Saturday, October 1, 2022


7:00am to 9:00am—>                       ~ ~ B R E A K F A S T ~ ~


9:00am to 10:00am—>         Django & Isabella Kroner… How to recycle a tree to improve your treehouse build.


10:00am to 11:00am—>       Christopher Richter… LIDAR and SketchUp… well, that kinda sums it up!!


11:00am to 12:00—>             Rainer (pronounced Rye-ner) Reichel… Tree House Survivability…This interesting man wrote his Master’s Thesis on treehouses… this is an overview of what you need to know.


12:00pm to 1:00pm—>                    ~ ~ L U N C H ~ ~




~ ~ ~ Side bar notes (the written equivalent of announcements) ~ ~ ~

Tree climbing basics and (maybe) some cool rope tricks will be ongoing throughout Friday and Saturday. Please ask Nice Guy Dave Stice, Jason Lindsey, Evan Bombardier, or Luke Schorer about protocols and procedures… please do NOT attempt to climb unchaperoned.

The Bend-Off… For fun and celebration this year we will holding a ‘BEND OFF’ throughout the weekend and are curious which limb device will come in last???



1:00pm to 2:00pm—>          David Geisen & Johannes Heitzeberg… what it means to start and run a treehouse design/build business—the dos & donts!!!



2:00pm to 3:00pm—>          Michael—Barefoot Murph—Murphy… deeper higher rooting in what we know to continue to grow…



4:00pm to 5:00pm—>           Daryl McDonald & Scott Atkins… engineered tree support                                                  systems (i.e., the GL/TAB) and the structural integrity of                                                                     treehouse hardware… that’s what these guys know… this                                                                      is essentially a Q’n’A about all things treehouse…



5:00pm to 6:00pm—>          Steve Chappell… This year’s special guest who started                                                                        embarking on his craft in 1969 right here in Takilma, OR…



WTC 2022 Presenters

2022 Presenters:

Michael GL – creator, owner, and operator of Out ‘n’ About Treehouse Treesort will be here for the entirety of the conference. ALL things treehouse and more… the original pioneer, who—like all great pioneers—has a one-name identity!. https://treehouses.com/construction.html

Pete Nelson – What MichaelGL said but with glitter!  https://www.treehousepoint.com/

Jake Jacob – of TreehouseArtz – Jake, a longtime friend, and cohort of MG (also an instrumental organizer and contributor to the conference) will be here to show off his expertise in rigging and a knot tying demonstration, as he likes to point out, he knows knotting. http://www.treehouseartz.com/

Michael Murphy – Michael Murphy aka Barefoot Murph of Barefoot Treehouses will be presenting “Deeper, Higher”:  Treehousing as a prayer for a new future grounded in an organic understanding of the living earth under our feet and the dreams of our ancestors.  https://www.barefoottreehouses.com/

Django & Isabella Kroner – From the Canopy Crew in the Red River Gorge will talk about how to recycle a tree to benefit your treehouse.  They will discuss reasons for removing a tree from your treehouse site, milling it for lumber for your build, chipping the canopy and inoculating for soil health, and using trees to dye and stain the interior of the treehouse.  https://www.thecanopycrew.com/

Charley Greenwood – indeed, the engineer who started it all!  Further developments—read: further down the rabbit hole of tree support systems… alive or dead, trees that is… with stories to prove it!!

Lee Hull – Movement practices and exercises for treehouse builders.

Mike Stam – A treehouse builder’s builder (and bridges too!!)

J’sun Lindsey – Bridges, tree climbing, and all around SIT stuff (SIT = Structures In Trees)

Luke Schorer – What J’sun said and more which rhymes with Schorer.

David Geisen – What it is like to start and run a treehouse design/build business—the do’s & dont’s!

Daryl McDonald – Engineered tree supports (i.e., the GL/TAB) and the structural integrity of treehouse hardware tied into the ‘Bend-Off.’ https://www.treehousepoint.com/

Scott Atkins – What Daryl said but more seriously. https://www.treehousepoint.com/

Mike Shulters – SketchUp artist extraordinaire.

Christopher Richter – All the way from Germany a SketchUp/iPhone/Lidar presentation.

Evan Bombardier – A clone of Scott Baker, but a whole lot younger (and better looking)… an arborist who explains tree biology & tree mechanics.

Dave Stice aka, Nice Guy Dave (& Whisky) – Aerial rescue and other safety tricks aloft (plus all sorts of gear from WesSpur Tree Equipment).

Rainer Reichel – A talk on Factors of Tree House Survivability

Steve Chappell is the keynote speaker


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